Nowra Waterdragons
Nowra Waterdragons
First formed in November 2005, Nowra Waterdragons gathers members from a wide variety of backgrounds, ages and fitness levels.
This diverse group has a common passion for dragon boat racing and enjoys each others company. We are a small regional club located in Nowra on the South Coast of NSW.. The Club is based on the foreshore at Paringa Park and the team trains on the beautiful Shoalhaven River
We train hard for dragon boat competitions; however we also have a diverse range of activities going on, including fundraising, promotions, cross-training paddling and coffee!
Nowra Waterdragons value teamwork, passion, achievement and friendship. We aim to continually improve through committed training, to grow our club and to support each other in friendship.
With an active membership of around 40 competitive paddlers, NWDS have had remarkable success in Masters and Grand Masters categories.
The 2012, 8th World Club Crews Championships in Hong Kong saw 36 intrepid Waterdragons compete in eight events coming away with medals in each event entered. The Grand Master women gained gold and were world champions for 2 years until September 2014.
In World Club Crews at Ravenna, in Italy, in 2014, our Great Grands Mixed ten came away with a bronze. Our small contingent competed fiercely against teams with hundreds of members from all over the world.
The club travelled to Adelaide where our women and Great Grand Masters competed in the WCCC.
The club has qualified to compete at the World Club Crew Championships in Szeged, Hungary in July 2018, and look forward to competing on the world stage.
We are always looking for new members and want to grow our social paddling arm of the club. The Shoalhaven river is a beautiful place to get fit.
For diversity, we also have outrigger canoes based on the shores of Jervis Bay. Early morning paddling with the dolphins is an experience not to be missed.
With all the paddling our members also like to relax with coffee on a Saturday morning and regular outings to the theatre, live bands and dancing.
További hírek
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